I typically teach courses related to ocean sciences and stable isotope geochemistry. In the past I have taught at the elementary, high school, undergraduate, and graduate level both in the United States and internationally. I am now a faculty lecturer in the Ocean Sciences Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The Oceans (Ocea-01): An introduction to the field of Oceanography that integrates integrating biological, chemical, geological, and physical processes as well as how and why we study these processes.
Life in the Sea (OCEA-80A): An introduction to ecology of animals, plants, and microbes in the marine environment. The course covers a number of key topics, including: ocean primary producers, invertebrates, fishes, marine mammals, and seabirds. We also explore the ecology of a number of critical marine environments, including the rocky intertidal, estuaries, kelp forests, coral reefs, and the deep sea.
SPATIAL Short Course: An introduction stable isotopes in a geospatial framework
Teaching Experience
2016 Guest Lecturer, UC-Santa Cruz, OCEA-01: The Oceans, introductory undergraduates (150 students)
2016 Instructor, UC-Santa Cruz, OCEA-80A: Life in the Sea, introductory undergraduates (150 students)
2015 Co-Instructor, University of Utah, Isotopes in Spatial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (SPATIAL Short Course), graduate students (30 students)
2015 Guest Lecturer, Wake Forest University, BIO301 Ecology and Biology of Coral Reefs, advanced undergraduates (25 students)
2015 Guest Lecturer, UC-Santa Cruz, EART-299 Isotopic Methods in Environmental Science, graduate students (12 students)
2015 Guest Lecturer, Claremont-McKenna College, EA 52: Environmental Science, Policy and Politics, introductory undergraduates (45 students)
2014 Instructor, UC-Santa Cruz, OCEA-01: The Oceans, introductory undergraduates (200 students), Overall teaching evaluation 4.6 out of 5 (62% response rate)
2014 Co-Instructor, University of Utah, Isotopes in Spatial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (SPATIAL Short Course), graduate students (30 students)
2014 Guest Lecturer, UC-Merced, ES291: Environmental Systems Seminar, graduate students (45 students)
2013 Guest Lecturer, UC-Santa Cruz, OCEA-290J: Topics in Marine Organic Geochemistry, multiple lectures for graduate students (15 students)
2012 Guest Lecturer, Bates College, Bio313: Marine Ecology, advanced undergraduates (15 students)
2012 Guest Lecturer, Bates College, Geo340: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, advanced undergraduates (12 students)
2012 Guest Lecturer, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, MarSE 221: Marine Life, graduate students (20 students)
2010 Guest Lecturer, Sea Education Association, advanced undergraduates (25 students)
2010 Teaching Assistant, MIT/WHOI Joint Program: 7.43: Biological Oceanography, graduate students (15 students)
2010 Guest Lecturer, Connecticut College: Biology/Botany 294: Seminar Series, advanced undergraduates (25 students)
2009 Co-Instructor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Developed and co-taught three week course “Human Impacts on the Marine Environment,” advanced undergraduates (5 students)
2008 Guest Lecturer, Mullen-Hall Elementary School: Multiple lessons on ocean science, Elementary School
2008 Guest Lecturer, Brown University: BIOL1880: Comparative Biology of Vertebrates, advanced undergraduates
2007 Guest Lecturer, Codman Academy: Marine Biology Course, high school students (20 students)
2005 Co-Instructor, Hillview Head Start Program, Lewiston, ME, developed and taught afterschool activity program for K-12 Head Start Program (35 students)
2004-5 Technical Writing Assistant, Bates College: Biological Principles, Ecology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, undergraduate students
2004-5 Academic Tutor, Bates College: Organic Chemistry I and II, Calculus I and II, Biological Principles, Ecology, undergraduate students
2003-5 Teaching Assistant, Bates College: Organic Chemistry I and II, Biological Principles, Ecology, undergraduate students